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Action destination parameters window

Allows you create destination folder hierarchy, "coincident filenames" action, as well as some specific parameters for different actions

Action destination parameters window

Window consits of three parts:

  1. "Depend on action" parameters

    There are only two action types to use:

    • Packing files
      Archive parameters

      It lets you adjust archive parameters and contains following elements

      1. Archive name
        This field must contain filename of the archive to be created where the files from source folder will be placed. Action will fail if the name is not defined. Drop out list contains archive filenames entered before in a chronological order. Button allows you enter a file name using name formatting masks , which are accessible from drop oup menu.
      2. Relative path
        Allows you create folder hierarchy inside the archive. If a relative path hasn't been set , source folder files will be placed to the root folder of the archive. Drop out list contains paths entered before in a chronological order. Button allows you set a path using name formatting masks , which are accessible from drop oup menu.
      3. Password
        If box (3) is checked on you must enter password in Password and Confirm fields. If there was an error when entering the password (different text in Password and Confirm fields), then if you if will close a window by pressing the OK button you will be asked to enter password again. Every archive may contain files protected by different passwords, because a new password is needed every time you add files.
      4. Pack level
        Set pack level for files to be compressed over the range from 0 up to 9 (0 - minimum pack level, 9 - maximum pack level) To only add files (without compression) choose minimum pack level. It useful when you add already compressed files like JPG images and archives.
      5. "If a file exist" action
        If a file named as archive is already exist in the destination folder, you are able to choose between the following scenarios:
        • Add unique number to the end of the archive filename.
        • Use archive existing in destination folder to add files fromsource folder.
        • Skip action
        • Abort action
    • Unpacking files
      Unarchive parameters

      Allows adjusting archive unpack settings from source folder. Contains following elements:

      1. Unpack relative path.
        Allows you create unpack relative path subject to archive filename. This path may be hierarchical (including subfolders). Format masks <n> and <e> are corresponded with archive extension and filename. If relative path hasn't been set files will be unpacked to the source folder (subject to relative paths inside the archive). Drop out list contains paths entered before in a chronological order. Button allows you enter a path using name formatting masks , which are accessible from drop out menu.
      2. Ignore non-zip files
        If the box (2) is checked all non-zip files will be ignored. Otherwise an error will be occured. If a file was opened succesfully program reckons it as ZIP archive. As a rule, zip archive usually have .zip extension. You can define file extensions inside Include mask.
      3. Password.
        If the box (2) is checked password will be applied to all files inside the archive. If a password is wrong program will launch an action (see item 4). You need to enter a password to the Password and Confirm fields. If there was an error when entering the password (different text in Password and Confirm fields), then if you if will close a window by pressing the OK button you will be asked to enter password again.
      4. Unpacking password protected files
        If a password not defined or wrong program lets you choose between following actions:
        • Skip a file
        • Abort unpacking current archive and proceed to the next
        • Request a password in dialog window. If user enters a new password it wil be applied to all files in this archive.
        • Skip action (proceed to the next action).
        • Abort action
  2. "coincident filenames" action

    When processed file is already exist in destination folder (while copying, unpacking etc.) program runs an action which can be selected from pop-up list.

    • Overwrite with a new file
    • Cancel a new file (leave old file in destination folder ).
    • Add a number to the name of a new file to make it unique in destination folder .
    • Ask user for an action in dialog window.

    Add number action is set as default.

  3. Add folders hierarchy
    Use hierarchical folders

    Here you can create subfolder hierarchy in destination folder. Section contains following elements:

    1. Section header.
      Folders hierarcht is apllied only in case when the box "Use hierarchical folders" is checked on.
    2. Folders hierarchy mask
      It creates folders hierarchy. Folder names may contain current date and time, name and extension in destination folder , incremented counters. To divide subfolders use mask <\>. Pop-up list contains masks used before in a chronological order. (Choosing a mask from the list refreshes hierarchy tree.) Button lets you add allowed format masks those can be selected fron the pop-up menu.
    3. Refresh hierarchy tree button(4).
      Refresh button refreshes hierarchy tree according to selected mask(2). When changing a mask button gets status "by default": it activates when you press "Enter" key and refreshes hierarchical tree.
    4. Subfolders hierarchy tree.
      It indicates subfolders hierarchy according to the selected mask.Destination folder is the root element of this tree. The tree automatically rebuilds after pressing the "Refresh button"(3) or selecting a mask from the list(2).

Jun 14, 2006

New version 1.0.18 is released.


Sep 20, 2005

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