Task parameters are located in the panel which can be minimized to caption.
Use left mouse click on the panel caption or Alt + Underlined symbol in
the caption to maximize/minimize panel.
Task parameters panel contains three tabs:
Contains the following elements:
If the box is checked on all actions will be terminated if an
error will be occurred in the task (e.g.: file copying error). Otherwise
the task will execute all active actions independently of errors.
If the box is checked on the current action
will be terminated if an error will be occurred in the action. Otherwise
action will be executed independently of errors.
Hot key
Allows to assign the global hot key for action
Contains the following elements:
Enter a hot key here. To assign a hot key you must keep Alt,
Ctrl or Shift button pressed (or their sequence) and then press
any numeric or letter key. Use Backspace to delete a hot key.
If the entered hot key is already assigned
with a task a conflicting task error will be appeared in this field.
If there are several conflicting tasks the first task (in the task
list) will be launched with this hot key.
If the box is checked on the task will
be not started immediately on pressing a hot key. The warning dialog
window will be opened before the start, where you can cancel the
task start.
Allow adjusting task start on a schedule.
Contains the following elements:
Schedule is not used and task will not be started on a schedule.
Task will be started in a time interval.
If this option is selected the elements (3) and (4) are active.
Set the starting time and date for the
first task launch on a schedule.
Set task repeat interval. You are able
to assign numerals from 1 to 9999 and select the needed measuring